Monday, November 25, 2013

A little brain mind, two fisted crying, and Mom goes to time out

Every year I get to go to a wonderful Time Out event with my family. For two days I  learn things that enrich Liz's soul. And because I have an amazing husband I know the kids are not only being taken care of but having fun too. I could seriously write pages and pages about the event. Last year the piece I wrote was even published in the Deseret News (yeah I'm pretty proud of that one). So in the words of Inigo Montoya because there is too much to "splain" let me "sum up".

  • Driving to the Maverick Center in rush hour traffic with people trying to get to movies, a play, restaurants, home, and a churchy event is not pleasant for anyone. We are all a little frustrated but DO NOT swear at my delightful pregnant with twins cousin so loud that she can hear it through two shut car windows. Seriously we are all going to learn to better people that is just bad form. 
  • Sometimes when your brain doesn't work right, you say the wrong words. Thanks to my sister in law we now have a name for this phenomenon. It's called "Brain Mind" No further explanation needed.
  • Ann Romney is an extremely gracious and amazing women. Listening to her was truly a treat. 
  • When you are listening to Ann Romney and suddenly realize in twenty minutes 8000 people are going to stand up at the same time and leave, panic can ensue. When said panic won't go away because you said "Stop It." Emergency anxiety pills are a miracle. Family who sits with you while everyone else elephant stampedes up the stairs and just lets you breath are a blessing. 
  • All twin mommies are kindred spirits. 
  • Sometimes the bad seats are worth it when you get to sit together. 
  • Advice from the always funny Mary Ellen Edmonds, "You can't plant carrots and pray for melons. Well you can but you aren't going to get what you want." 
  • Even if you've prepaid for lunch, trying to feed 8000 people at the same time can be disastrous. HOWEVER:
    • To my family you let me sit in the empty arena and dealt with the crowds so I could enjoy the rest of the event - You are angels. 
    • To the strangers who took care of Jenny when the crowd and pregnancy overwhelmed her - You are angels.
    • Lesson Learned - Angels walk among us. Take time to recognize them for who they are.
  • After the trauma of lunch someone mentioned this would be funny someday. Then we shared stories of things that have now become funny. I laughed so hard that I had to use napkins in both hands to dry my tears. Thank you Marjorie Pay Hinckley for encouraging us to laugh because crying can give you a headache.
  • A little time away from daily life can refresh your soul and give you the confidence and courage needed to do hard things. 
  • Getting greeted at the door by children who have missed you while you were gone is priceless. 
Happy Thanksgiving everyone. 


  1. Love it! Next time I want to go too. Sounds like a good group to be with!

  2. Love it! Next time I want to go too. Sounds like a good group to be with!
