Monday, October 8, 2012

There is only one mom

My personality fits pretty firmly into the Type A controlling type. Most of the time (when my brain is functioning properly) I'm organized and everything runs on schedule. I pre-plan and post plan and have lots of back ups just in case something goes wrong. My kids are old enough that they understand how this system works. So far with all this planning and organization I've still be unable to solve one problem - there is only one mom.

You'd think that with all my organiztion I'd be able to find plenty of time to give each child one on one attention. But children are not neccessarily patient. So yesterday I was doing a puzzle with one and sitting next to another. And I've got a third hanging on my shoulder and petting my face like I'm the family pet. I usaully try to patient, but I just couldn't take it anymore. I completely broke down and yelled, "THERE IS ONLY ONE MOM. You must wait your turn." And of course made someone cry. It was a great moment as we were listening to talks from our church leaders about being more Christlike. It also wasn't the only time I broke down that day or the only time tears were shed.

I know that life is all about learning and not about being perfect, but this is so hard to remember, when you know what you do as a parent will affect your children. I want my kids to feel loved and safe at home. I want them to know about things that are important to me. I want them to learn to be Christlike and giving and respectful. I worry that the bad things I do and say will be the ones that stick and the good ones will be forgotten.

Being a parent is hard and I've got these four people to teach how to be productive and happy adults and only one mom. That isn't to say my husband, grandparents, aunts/uncles, teachers, neighbors, and friends have no influence on my kids. I dont know what I'd do without all of these people and the daily help I receive from them. However, sometimes only a mom can fix it. Sometimes a kiss or words of understanding from mom is just what you need. So I try my best to remain calm and go to work. That's how, at the end of the day, I ended up with one in my lap, one on my feet, and another one laying on Dad just so she could lean over the void between the couches and put her head on me. There may only be one mom, but I need to remember there is always enough love to go around.


  1. So true, so true. My kids are probably tired of hearing, "I am only one person! I can't do everything". I also laughed with the conference outburst. It made me think of when I was yelling this weekend at my kids to please be quiet so I can hear how to be a good mom. Yep. Irony. :)

  2. Oh Liz, I felt this way with my "oops mom" moment this morning. And I feel this way a ton of other times. I too need to remember there is always enough love to go around-thanks for the reminder again. You are simply...AWESOME. It's really good you are my friend, you remind me of things I need to remember and need help with.

  3. One Mom with one big heart. Dividing up time is hard so whenever I can I make sure that the feelings of love are always within our home. I always remember the accounts given by many great woman. When the children get older and have moved out they don't always remember every little thing you did with them but they will always remember what it felt like to be at home.
