This past weekend I attended the Time Out for Women Event in SLC. I learned a lot and felt the spirit and wrote an article that appeared on Deseret New online. You can see it here: http://tinyurl.com/8lea67b WAHOO!!!!!!
At the event Sara Wells and Kate Jones (of Our Best Bites fame) talked a little bit about the face you see on the Internet, and I think this applies to anywhere else too. Despite the fact that I write this blog about my motherhood adventures, I'm still a very private person. I have a few very dear friends that might get the real story and see my tears or heartache. But for the most part I put on my Sunday Smile and try to show the world that my life is full of sunshine and rainbows. With that said I think I may have been painting a little too rosy of a picture of my life. So in today's Mom Advice Monday I have a few confessions to make.
1. Sometimes I yell at my kids. I yell at them more when I'm tired, or hormonal, or hungry.
2. Sometimes the only reason I shower is because I know my kids will be home from school in an hour and worry that they'll judge me if I'm still in my pj's.
3. I'm not the best housekeeper. This is the one task I tend to let slide so that I can fit everything else in. I'm very busy and get a lot done, but I don't do it all.
4. Sometimes my family eats Hot & Ready Pizza, or McDonald's, or whatever Dad can fix for dinner because I just can't drag my bum off the couch.
5. In one of my more frustrated moments when the children wouldn't go to bed I told them their mother was leaving until the morning. And they better not go searching for her, because all they would find is Liz and she isn't very nice.
That's just a few of my less than perfect moments. When my children were all little, I went to sleep almost nightly feeling like I had failed as their mother that day. It is for that reason that I continue to write this blog. I read so many "mom" help things during that time and most made me feel that I should do more, say more, or be more than I was. I couldn't and felt even worse. So please know I still screw up a lot. My children are not perfect and that's okay because their mom isn't perfect either. I believe that if we all do our best, and forgive each other for those moments we are less than. . . . everything will work out alright in the end.
Liz, I think you are pretty down to earth with your posts. I have a friend who always posts about her insane schedule, the craziness of having six kids, and then she always says how much she loves it and she loves having the kids home all day and she loves going to 16 sports events in one day and I say, "really?" With your posts, I laugh along and I say,"oh, I am so glad I am not alone!" I loved the talk Kate and Sarah gave (I watched it on the live stream). It is so true - we are all imperfect, yet we feel this need to put on a front of perfection for some reason. Maybe, over time, we can all start to be more real with each other. In some ways, I think we are more real than generations before us. I feel like my mom's generation did a lot of "that is the way it is, suck it up, and put on a smile". Thanks for your blog.